Psychological effect of each color
Each color affects our psyche and body because it has a specific wavelength and energy that our body unconsciously receives ("reads").
These color properties are used in healing - color therapy.
Color psychologists claim that our
In order to select suitable colors for the interior or for the murals, it is advisable to get to know the meaning and effect of the colors.
At home, the colors can create a positive, calming or invigorating atmosphere.
Bedeutungen und Wirkung der Farben
color | Associations | Meaning | Effect |
Red | Passion, Love, Sensuality, Happiness, Fire, Danger, Anger, Rage, Aggression, Destruction, Vitality, Drive, energy, liberation, strong feelings about life, power, strength, courage, excitement, no self-doubt | Attention, courageous, dynamic, powerful, passionate, seductive, warm, vital, dominant, dangerous, aggressive, arrogant, brutal, angry, loud, warning and signal color, male color, corresponds to the choleric temperament |
Orange | vitality, energy, joy, trust, warmth, lightness, sociability, open-mindedness, courage, Summer, sunlight, fire, lust for life, enjoyment, superficiality, cheap | Friendly, cheerful, bright, close, warm, vital, young, dubious, obtrusive, impulsive, earthly, radiating, dense, loud, restless, optimism, joie de vivre, light-heartedness, Affirmation of life, desire for experiences, spirit of enterprise, expansion, female color, extroversion |
Yellow | sun, light, power, joy, egoism, avarice, envy, gold, wealth, happy, optimistic, bright, luminous, relaxed, pushy, toxic, cowardly, envious | The brightest and most luminous of colors, mind, lightness, communication, optimism, happiness, joie de vivre, cheerfulness, the new, Modernity, future, knowledge, reason, logic, intelligence, willingness to change, Self-confidence, warm, cheerful, cheerful, active, easy, sunny, masculine color, corresponds to the sanguine temperament |
Green | nature, environment, spring, growth, health, envy, weariness, happiness, hope, life, contentment, regeneration, Neutrality, indifference, renewal, peace, hope, relaxation, harmony, calm, positive, restful, immature, sour, inexperienced | life, naturalness, hope, security, youth, calm, peace, harmony, center, balance, trust, contentment, almost can not be applied excessively, passive, motherliness, feminine color, corresponds to the melancholic temperament |
Blue | sky, water, expanse, freedom, coolness, reason, longing, melancholy, seriousness, peace, calm, stillness, faithfulness, deepening, security, endless possibilities, cold, relaxing, trusting, dependable, authoritarian, strong, impersonal, depressive, boring | Typical business colors, calm, trust, longing, sense of duty, introspection, introspection, concentration, depth, competence, inspiration, creativity, duty, conservatism, Constancy, coldness, clarity, passive, feminine color, corresponds to the phlegmatic temperament |
Purple Purple Purple | Extravagance, Magic, Alchemy, Suffering, Sorrow, Extraordinary, Imaginative, Magical, Fashionable, Original, creative, unnatural, artificial, irrelevant, uncertain, ambiguous, somber, cool | Stability, Dignity, Mysticism, Magic, Spirituality, Inspiration, Energy, Wisdom, Protection, Art, passion, vanity, frustration, mental processes, rest, frugality, introverted lifestyle |
Magenta Pink | Fire, Danger, Destruction, Femininity, Intrigue, Arrogance, Magic, Magnificence, Dignity, Dominion | Extravagance, emphasis, transformations, compassion, idealism, order, commitment, dominance, snobbery |
pink | Nature, blossom, tenderness, joy, first love, gentle, warm | Romance, innocence, tender love, sympathy, happiness, togetherness, well-being |
Black | Darkness, night, serious, classic, elegant, fashionable, neutral, factual, modern, functional, gloomy, sad, lonely, heavy | No light, dignity shrouded in mystery, independence, prestige, depression, sadness, worry, silence, depth, security, distinctive, professional, unfamiliar |
White | Snow, Ice, Angel, Purity, Innocence, Order, Knowledge, Escape, Plain, Neutral, Clean, Cold, Sterile, Empty, Magical, Clinically Bright | Sum of all colors, purity, clarity, innocence, peace, remoteness |
Gray | Mouse, elegant, matter-of-fact, professional, formal, boring, characterless, drab, depressing, unremarkable | Typical business color, restraint, neutrality, objectivity, boredom, insecurity, fear of life, inconspicuousness, Monotony, transience, formal, reserved, sober, emotionless, indefinite, characterless, conservative, discreet |
Brown | Nature, environment, wood, security, comfort, old-fashioned, warm, down-to-earth, natural, reliable, traditional, heavy, sad, dirty, withdrawn, comfortable | Fashionable business colour, homely atmosphere, earthy security, material security, protection, stability, calm, traditional, comfortable, warm, earthy, simple |
Turquoise Cyan | Tenacity, stamina, bright, fresh, flamboyant, luminous, lovely, cool | Freshness, freedom, clarity, openness, awareness, distance, emptiness, independence, coolness, egoism, independence, self-assertion, idealism |
Gold | Sun, power, wealth, golden wedding | Power, wealth, color of great anniversaries, loyalty, helpfulness, friendship, truth, precious, energetic |
Silver | Shine, modern, technical | Courtesy, cleverness, independence, security, punctuality, modern, unconventional, original, technical |